Regarding the last eight verses of the Torah

- Moshe wrote the Torah, however the last eight verses describing his death could not have been written by him.
- In the Talmud (B.B. 16) Rabbi Nachemia says that they were completed by Yehoshua. Rabbi Shimon says they were written by Moshe but they were written with tears (Demah) rather than ink.
- As with all cases, Rabbi Nachemia and Rabbi Shimon are not arguing, they are talking about different elements.
- There are many different names of G-d. These are combinations of the manifestations of the attributes G-d used to create the universe.
- The Torah is created from these names. The primeval Torah was created before the beginning of the universe. This Torah was in its raw form of pure names. It was a mixture of letters, as events happened it became categorized and organized, forming the words and sentences describing these events. It is therefore not problematic that the Torah was created before events such as Egypt.
- Meaning, the Torah had many ways of manifesting its set essence. This was determined by mans free will.
- The last eight verses were written by Moshe in their raw form of pure names of G-d, a jumble of letters.
- Moshe was writing the end of the Torah, for these names contained the same mysteries as they did when they were organized.
- This is the meaning of Rabbi Shimon, they were written in “tears”, a coded writing. Demat (tears) also comes from the word meduma, mixture, alluding to the mixture of letters.
- After Moshe died Yehosha reorganized these exact letters into the way they manifested in reality.
- If comes out that both wrote the last verses. Moshe wrote the mysteries, the sod element of the verses and Yehoshua wrote the revealed , Pshat- Nigleh aspect.

(Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna Kol Elyahu Vzos Habracha)

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