In regard to the nation of Yisroel traveling on the wings of eagles

-When Bnei Yisroel (Nation of Israel) left Egypt, they were gathered from all over Egypt to Suchot, which was a distance of 120 Mill.
-This gathering was referred to as: "I carried you on the wings of eagles."
-What happened was very similar to Kfitzos Haderech, "jumping of the path," where subjects warp through space to travel to a second point.
-The reason it happened is as follows:
-Egypt was at the time the world center of tumah (unclean power).
-Yisroel had reached very low spiritual levels during their stay in Egypt.
-They now had to be raised, this involves a process.
-The spiritual worlds are not bound to time and space.
-In the physical world the closer you are to holiness the less bound you become to space.
-The more one is busy with physical matter (chomer), the more he is limited by space.
-Egypt was very busy with these issues.
-By warping Yisroel above space they become less bound to the tumah of Egypt.
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