banner Avrahom gave the unholy names to the sons of his concubine    

Avrahom gave the unholy names to the sons of his concubine


Medrash Talpyot At Alef
-The gifts given by Avrahom to these children included the mysteries of the unholy names.
-These unholy names could be used to force angles and demons to do your will.
-There are many levels of impurity. These mysteries given to them by Avrahom also contained truth in them. Avrahom included these to insure they retained some attachment.
-These unholy names were taken by Sara from Egypt when she was locked in Paroah’s palace.
-These children traveled east where they became leaders.
-It is from this original wisdom that parts of truth remain in the East.
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True Jewish Kabbalah - Avrahom unholy names