-Chabad/ CBD is the acronym for Chachma
Bina Daas, the three sefirot that manifest in the mind
-There are two basic paths to transcend the spiritual universes. One involves
exercises of the mind. The other focuses on the emotions, the six middle
sefirot CGT NHY: Chesed, Gvurah, Tiferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod.
-Each path will eventually cover the other, the question is where to start.
-Both paths are correct, they are just meant for different people. The
path a person must take depends on his essence, the tribe he represents.
-In the path of CBD one takes a piece of torah and meditates on it for
hours. One can attain many high levels this way.
-The people of Lubavitch focused on this method, there are some that still
use it today.