- On a simple level, thoughts are created
spontaneously in the mind and can be controlled thorough meditation.
- However we know that there is no such thing as a subconscious. Thought
emanates from different parts of the soul.
- The soul is very pure. Impure and useless thoughts cannot be coming
from it.
-These thoughts arises from spiritual beings created through sins [this
will be explained some other time]
- These thoughts on their level manifest as a complete structure. When
a person ignores these thoughts and continues to focus on the words of
prayer, these thoughts are destroyed.
- As one follows the path of the prayer he smites these beings down. For
this one he cuts off a hand and this one a leg. These thoughts continue
to arise until they are destroyed completely.
- This is similar to a mighty worrier who plows his way through the battle
lines. As he passes through, he chops off body parts of all those in his
way.(Likutay Mahran 2-122)