Regarding controversy on a Tzadik


-When the nation of Yisroel was in a state of greatness during the days of Shlomo, no converts were accepted. This will also be the case in the days of Moshiach.
-A person must convert out of love and not because he wants to enjoy the power of Yisroel.
-Someone who becomes Jewish while Yisroel is suffering is a true convert.
-When a big soul is borne, someone who can cause many people to repent or convert, G-D purposely causes controversy upon him.
-This is done to separate those who truly want to repent, even though the Tzadik himself seems to be suffering.
-This is why when Yackov wanted to settle in the land of Canaan, to help spread the word of G-D, immediately the problems of Yosef and Yehudah fell upon him.

(Likutay Maharan 228)
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