Amalek must fall to the decedents of Rochel


- Yehudah has the power of Nizachon (conquering) that is why in Shoftim the tribe of Yehuda led the war to conquer the land.
- However their power only stands against the nations but not against Amelak.
- Amalek descends from Timnah who married Eliphaz as a concubine. Timnah was a princess. After being rejected as a convert in the house of Avrahom decided it was better to be a concubine to his decedents rather then be a princess else where.
- Rochel was a step higher since she became a concubine even though she has a chance to be a wife. Meaning, a second wife is considered a concubine yet she gave over the sign to Leah.
- Therefore the descendants of Timnah can only fall to the decedents of Rachel. That’s why Yehoshua, Shual, Mordichiay and Moshiach ben Yosef all descend from her.

(Rebbe Yonason , Yaros Dvash 2 Drush 3)
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