- It says in the verse “All
the people were one language and different intentions” (Dvarim Achadim).
Everyone agreed and was willing to work together to build the tower but
various groups had different intentions for doing so. Here are what some
of the groups were trying to do.
- They wished to create a dwelling place above the clouds so they no longer
had to fear the coming of another flood.
- Another group theorized that if they were able to reach high enough
in the atmosphere they would reach above gravity. They had plans of creating
a space ship that could propel them from that point to the moon.
- Others thought to make contact with spirits that only dwell in the clear
vicinity of the sky. Those spirits are more powerful. They were hoping
to receive more energy then the generation of the flood did.
(R’Yonason, Tiferet Yonason Noach) |