Regarding the beauty of Sarah


- Sarah is listed as one of the four most beautiful women that lived.
- Beauty is almost an external thing, that rests on a person. For when a person is depressed most of the beauty is lost, yet when in a calm state it radiates from him.
- There is another aspect of beauty, which is the build of the physical features, this is consistent at all times.
- Sarah was a holy woman and the holy spirit (roach hakodesh) was always resting upon her. Since a state of roach hakodesh brings about a high level of joy, her beauty was great.
- However, she also had the consistent type of beauty .
- This is why when they reached Egypt, Avraham said “now I know that you are beautiful.” For until that point, the radiation from the Roach Hakodesh was so strong, it was unclear whether she also had the second element of beauty.
- This is also why Rahsi say 127, seven to beauty when it should have been twenty to beauty. He means that at seven, it could be recognized that she had great beauty, for at that age one is unable to attain the level of Roach Hakodesh.
- Ester on the other hand was described “Greenish” when she wasn’t in a state of Roach Hakodesh.

(R’Yonason Tferet Yonason, Chayay Sarah)
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