Many tried doing like Rebbe Shimon and failed

- The Talmud in Brochos (35b) brings down a discussion, regarding working in order to earn money to live on. The verse says “the Torah shall no leave your mouth.” R’ Yishmoel says this should not be taken literally, but rather a person must earn an income and then study Torah every second of his spare time. Rabbi Shimon bar Yochi argues and says that a person should fully occupy himself in Torah and in the end others will do all his work for him.
- Abayah then tells us that many followed the path of Rabbi Yishmoel and things worked out, while many tried doing like Rebbe Shimon and failed.
- The reason why many failed is because they were not doing what Rabbis Shimon told them to do.
- Those people that did it right and totally bound themselves to the Torah, indeed had other people do their work for them. However most people do not get close to reaching this level.
- Most people should follow the path of Rebbe Yishmoel they should earn and income so they do not have to become recievers-nukvas-feminine . Then they should spend every extra second they have learning Torah.
- The few people that know that they can truly follow the path of Rabbi Shimon should do so. For if they succeed their taking becomes giving.
- Meaning, the reason why many failed was not because Rabbi Shimon was wrong but rather because they were not doing what he said.
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