Simple explanation of Tefilin

- We are but maggots, that can not understand even the lower essence of the Torah and Mitzvos. Nevertheless a person should try to understand as much as he can, for then he will act with greater enthusiasm.
- Therefore we are bringing some basic explanations of the Mitzvos, although there is much more to them. For even if we do not understand them we must follow CHAZAL blindly.


- Meditation is used to raise the awareness.
- Tefilin can be looked at as meditative devices
- Halacha states that a person must not remove the tefilin from his mind as long as he is wearing them.
-One of the seven slots of the conscious mind must always be focused on the tefilin of the head, concentrating on the four letters of the name of G-D, one for each compartment .
- This is used to anchor the mind to control the thought process. All other parts of the mind should them be bound to the simple meaning of the prayers.
- It is also no coincident that all meditative systems teach the initiate to focus the minds eye on the top of the forehead as well as concentration on the back of the head, right under the bone. These are the exact places as the Tefilin and knot rest.
- Same thing by the Tifilin of the hand which must line up with the heart. A person can then place immediate concentration on his emotions which manifest from the heart.
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