- Everything in the world manifest from the Siferot.
- Meaning every object has many aspects. Each aspect has a different essence.
These traits are dependent on the Sefirah it descends from.
- Therefore every piece of food is composed of different interactions
between the Siferot, this serves as its genetics code.
- Meaning every piece of food has different properties. Some are sweet
others bitter, salty, hard, soft , brittle, growing different ways, has
different effects on a person and so on.
- A person who is wise e in kabbalah and all seven wisdoms knows the exact
properties of every food and the Siferot it manifest from. He knows the
wisdom of eh Alef Bet and how they split up into the three mothers AMS,
seven Doubles and twelve Simple letters. This person then knows the letters
and the combinations associated with the different Siferot. He also knows
which Siferot are the cause for each of the above properties.
- This wise person when he eats, knows the exact roots of all the food.
This wisdom can cause him great enjoyment.
- Yet his enjoyment comes only from the wisdom, the knowledge that the
letters are there. It does not come from the letters themself .
- However a Tzadik (a man who is holy) can actually experience the letters
themselves Neaning his enjoyment domes from the integration of the sparks
of holiness.
- Only a person who has completely nullified the desire for women can
do this. For these desires defile ones heart . The emotions must be totally
clean to experience such subtle signals.
- This person has broken all his desires he therefore has no enjoyment
form the food at all. He can then concentrate on experiencing the letters
- Once a person has reached these levels he can cause great unifications
( Yichudim ) just by eating. The Tzadik is able to manipulate the letters,
separating the sparks from the klipos and raising them to their proper
( Liktay Maharan 19) |