Rebbe Nachman of Breslev on Shmiras Habris

These are only the basic references about Tikun Hbris. The torahs have a lot more about this topic. We strongly suggest that everyone learn Likutay Maharan.

Yosef who was Shomer Hbris received the rights of the firstborn. This was taken away from Reuvain who desecrated his fathers bed, which is a form of Pgam Hbris.
[Likutay 1 Torah 2]

It is brought down in the Zohar, The main evil desire of a person is for Niuf. This is the biggest defilement. When one is Shomer Hbris he receives the ability to pray.
[Likutay 1 Torah 2]

Wearing tzitzs is a great protection from Niuf (desire for women).
[Likutay 1 Torah 7]

When one does not guard the Bris, this results from his haughtiness. It is as if he makes himself into a deity, for he shows that he is not satisfied with the holiness of G-D. He therefore flaws the divine name SHKY, for this name represents that one should be content with holiness. When a person does guard the Bris, he merits a light that will guide him in the path of Teshuva (repentants).
[Likutay 1 Torah 11]

One who is not Shomer Hbris damages the 39 divine lights. He draws upon himself the load of earning a living, which are the 39 labors. This is taught in the Zohar, “One who throws bread crumbs on the floor is chased by poverty, certainly this happens to one who threw down crumbs of his brain.”
[Likutay 1 Torah 11]

How does one merit to totally nullify his ego and haughtiness and to pass all honor to G-D, this is done by being Shomer Hbris.
[Likutay 1 Torah 11]

There is an evil that includes the evil of all seventy nations; this is the burning fire of Niuf.
[Likutay 1 Torah 19]

Through the use of the holy language one can contain and control the desire for Niuf.
[Likutay 1 Torah 19]

The exile of Egypt came about because of Pgam Hbris. As a result of Pgam Hbris sward (war) comes to the land. This is the concept of the ‘Avenging Sward.”
[Likutay 1 Torah 20]

One who flaws his Bris flaws his Daas (knowledge).
[Likutay 1 Torah 20]

Know, through rectifying the Bris one is saved from the face of the Sitra Achera.
[Likutay 1 Torah 23]

The nation of Yisroel is called holy because they guard the Bris.
[Likutay 1 Torah 23]

One who has rectified his Bris, it is imposable for him to fall into the desire of money.
[Likutay 1 Torah 23]

To reach a level where the face radiates is possible only through Tikun Hbris.
[Likutay 1 Torah 27]

Someone who is Pogem Hbris, he flaws his voice. Yackov who was very careful to be Shomer Hbris merited to attain a high level of voice. It therefore says, “The voice, is the voice of Yackov.”
[Likutay 1 Torah 27]

It is almost imposable for a person to rectify his sins and all their aspects, for they are many. For there are many details and various aspects for every sin. However when one rectifies the Bris, which is the combining element of all channels, he automatically repairs the damage from all his sins.
[Likutay 1 Torah 29]

The main way the nation of Yisroel becomes close to their Father in Heaven is through Tikun Hbris.
[Likutay 1 Torah 29]

Earning a living without effort is the concept of ‘Bread from heaven’ it is possible to receive this through the general rectification which is Tikun Hbris.
[Likutay 1 Torah 29]

When earning money comes only through hard tedious work, it is only because he did not fully rectify the Bris. “One who throws bread crumbs on the floor is chased by poverty, certainly this happens to one who threw down crumbs of his brain.”
[Likutay 1 Torah 29]

There is no permanent Emunah (faith) only through the concept of Bris.
[Likutay 1 Torah 31]

Protection while traveling on the rode is dependent on Shmiras Hbris.
[Likutay 1 Torah 31]

Freedom is dependent on Shmiras Hbris.
[Likutay 1 Torah 31]

Every one of the seventy nations excels in one bad trait. The cumulative evil of all seventy bad traits is the desire for Niuf. By abolishing it one does a general rectification. Who ever brakes this desire will easily be able to break the rest of his bad traits.
[Likutay 1 Torah 36]

A method of removing thoughts of Znus (impure thoughts) is to say the verse of Shma and Bruch Shem.
[Likutay 1 Torah 36]

Saying the above mentioned verses is only works for a person that occasionally falls to such thoughts. Someone who is heaven forbid regular with such thoughts and cannot separate from them, he must cry as he says the Shma.
[Likutay 1 Torah 36]

Is a set rule, that a person will not understand the words of a Tzadik unless he has first completely rectified his Bris. Only then will he begin to understand the words of the Tzadik.
[Likutay 1 Torah 36]

One who has completely rectified his Bris has control over his mind.
[Likutay 1 Torah 36]

Someone who was Pogem Hbris cannot pray with full concentration.
[Likutay 1 Torah 50]

One does not receive enjoyment from his prayer until he has rectified the Bris.
[Likutay 1 Torah 50]

Someone who was Pogem Hbris falls into the concept of ‘Bitter waters’.
[Likutay 1 Torah 50]

There is a sickness where the bones decay; this comes about since the inner mater of the bones became dried up due to Niuf.
[Likutay 1 Torah 50]

Someone who was Pogem Hbris should be very careful to protect himself from dogs and sword (weapons).
[Likutay 1 Torah 50]

The heart cannot contain the power of the mind, for their hearts are weak, especially the people who do Niuf and study Philosophy.
[Likutay 1 Torah 55]

Amalek, (when they attacked Yisroel in Desert) defiled them through Keri, which is Pgam Hbris.
[Likutay 1 Torah 58]

By subjugating Amalek and rectifying the Bris, Moshe merited to receive the double portion of Mun. Yosef who was Shomer Hbris was transported on the double chariot. By reaching the level of Bris one merits to receive a double portion of energy.
[Likutay 1 Torah 58]

All the false charisma comes from the “False beauty.” Some one who is not careful about staying away from the beauty of women falls victim to these false charismas.
[Likutay 1 Torah 60]

When a person heaven forbid, experiences a nocturnal emission it stems from the Klipah of Lilis [her name should be erased]. When one secretly gives charity, he is able to redeem the sparks of holiness from the Klipah.
[Likutay 1 Torah 83]

Through modesty one is saved from Niuf, and merits Shmiras Hbris. Just as the Great Sages said “One who is haughty will in the end fall to adultery.”
[Likutay 1 Torah 130]

When the Sages said “One who is greater then his friend, his evil inclination is also bigger”, they were referring to the desire for Niuf. This is the main aspect of the evil inclination as it is brought down in the Zohar.
[Likutay 1 Torah 130]

When a person really begins to regret his sins, then all the drops of seed that came from him will also begin to feel this. Both those that ended up physical children as well as those that were sent to the other place, heaven forbid. For also there they have a heart and some form of body. They will then begin to feel pain and regret their position. They will realize that they are in a dirty defiled place. In the beginning it appears to them that they are in a good position, for they are damaging spirits. Only after their father has begun to regret his actions, do they begin to realize where they truly are. They start to weep and cry, and a big commotion is made amongst them. The best time for this is during the month of Elul. These children are also considered his children; they are also dependent on him. Therefore when a person dies they go after his coffin crying for him, just as his own children do. However this that they follow him crying, is a great embarrassment for him. May the merciful one save us from such punishments.
[Likutay 1 Torah 141]

When one reaches levels of happiness, then G-D himself helps him be Shomer Hbris. The main cause of Pgam Hbris is depression. The known Klipah that is called Lilis, because she is always whining, causes Pgam Hbris. Whining stems from Sadness. Therefore the main part of Shimras Hbris is to be happy. By being happy one merits that G-D himself helps him be Shomer Hbris, as mentioned above.
[Likutay 1 Torah 169]

A Tikun for a nocturnal emission, heaven forbid is to say ten chapters of Tehilim on the day that it occurred. For there is power in the saying of Tehilim to remove the drops of seed from the Klipah that has taken them. The word Tehilim has the same numerical equivalence as Lilis with the five letters of her name. As one is saying the Tehilim he should meditate that Tehilim equals 485 which is equal to the names Kel Elokim filled in the following manner . Through these two divine names the drop is removed from the Klipah.
[Likutay 1 Torah 205]

Talmud has the same Gematrya as her name ‘Lilis’. Therefore there is power in the study of Talmud to either weaken her or the opposite heaven forbid.
[Likutay 1 Torah 214]

Know, that charity is a great protection and helps a lot to save a person from thoughts of Niuf. Still a person is not allowed to depend on this and to mix and talk with women, it just makes it that it does not damage him as much.
[Likutay 1 Torah 242]

Thoughts of Niuf are in the category of the highest impurity the concept of a dead body. Charity can save a person from this as it says, “Charity shall save from death.”
[Likutay 1 Torah 242]

Charity is a great rectification for the Bris. A person was supposed to channel his energy to Kedusha, to the proper place. Instead he heaven forbid channeled it to the Other Place. Therefore the way to rectify it is through the giving of Charity, for he goes and rechannels the energy back into Kedusha. One must be very careful not to give the charity to someone who does not really need it because he would then be flawing the energy even more.
[Likutay 1 Torah 264]

There are three actions, which can flaw a persons prayers. One of them is someone who is not properly Shomer Hbris.
[Likutay 2 Torah 1]

Someone who is Pogem Hbris is considered a slave, the concept of Chum on whom it says “A servant he shall be to his brothers.”
[Likutay 2 Torah 1]

The main rectification of the mind, is by breaking the desire for Niuf. The mind is like a burning candle, it feeds of the fluids in the body. The fluids travel to the brain becoming the fatty substance that feeds the brain. It comes out that the main power of the mind comes from these fatty fluids. Therefore when a person breaks the desire for Niuf, and stops excreting the fluids from the body, they then travel up to the brain giving him more mind power.
[Likutay 2 Torah 5]

Sometimes a person is defiled in his sleep by demons.
[Likutay 2 Torah 5]

Amalek defiled Yisroel with Niuf through Keri (nocturnal emission). This comes about through the concept of Amalek. This is the flight against Amalek.
[Likutay 2 Torah 8]

The main aspect of the holiness of Yisroel is that they guard themselves from Niuf, and from nocturnal emissions, heaven forbid.
[Likutay 2 Torah 8]

From the decrease of the mind comes the desire for Niuf. For the mind acts as a barrier before this desire, since a person does not commit a sin unless a spirit of madness possesses him. However when the mind is complete it serves as a barrier.
[Likutay 2 Torah 8]

Every person has a small amount of the spirit of Mosiach. The main thing this depend on is watching ones self from Niuf.
[Likutay 2 Torah 32]

This evil desire is the concept of flawing the eyes as it says “Do not stray after your heart and your eyes.”
[Likutay 2 Torah 72]

Know, the Kavonos for the month of Elul are a big Tikun for Pgam Hbris.
[Likutay 2 Torah 87]

Sometimes because of this sin a person can lose his destined wife (zivug). Since he has turned away from his zivug, it is very hard for him to find her. Even if he does find her she will be rebellious towards him. She will not follow his will since he turned away from her. By fixing this sin, a person will find his destined wife, and she will not be rebellious towards him.
[Likutay 2 Torah 87]

A great rectification for a nocturnal emission, heaven forbid, is to say ten chapters of Tehilim. These ten chapters of Tehilim represent the ten types of music that the Tehilim were written with. This is the exact opposite of the Klipah that caused it. Know, that these are the ten chapters, Chapters 16, 32, 41, 42, 59, 77, 90, 105, 137, 150. However merits to say them that day, does not have to wor4ry about from the terrible flaws caused by the emission, heaven forbid, for sure it has been rectified by this. In merit of the rectification of this sin, Moshiach will come to gather all the dispersed of our nation.
[Likutay 2 Torah 92]

When someone reveals a new piece of Torah, it is a great rectification for improper thoughts. All such thoughts are cased by the imagination center of the brain. By innovating a piece of torah one uses this to put pieces together thereby rectifying these improper thoughts.
[Likutay 2 Torah 105]

Being in Eretz Yisroel is very big Tikun for Pgam Hbris.
[Likutay 2 Torah 109]

Sometimes when a person begins to make himself holy, it will happen that he will have a nocturnal emission. This happens because the forces of evil are trying to fight him, he should not let this stop him.
[Likutay 2 Torah 117]

When a person begins to have doubts about G-D, he ends up seeing Keri (nocturnal emission) and having impure thoughts.
[Sefer Hamidos – Emunah]

By speaking only the truth, one is able to guard the Bris.
[Sefer Hamidos – Emes]

By excreting seed in waste, a person creates evil spirits. These spirits cloth themselves in other people, who then argue and try to dominate over him, causing him great pain.
[Sefer Hamidos – Niuf]

Through excessive eating a person comes to doing Niuf.
[Sefer Hamidos – Niuf]

A Tikun for Zera Lvatalah, is to cause other people to repent.
[Sefer Hamidos – Niuf]

Getting drunk causes a person to be Pogem Hbris.
[Sefer Hamidos 2 – Shicrus]
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