-It says “Yackov traveled to the
-Somewhere in the unexplored mountains
of the East there is a place of darkness where the two original fallen
angels are kept captive.
-All the big people steeped in black magic would travel to this place
to learn the secrets of the occult .
-Laven spent a lot of time there he was the worlds master of occult.
-Yackov knew that he would have to spend a lot of time with Laven, he
therefore traveld to the mountains of Darkness himself. He was holly enough
to be protected, he used the names of G-D to bind them into revealing
information to him.
-It is permisable to learn black magic to know how to protect oneself
from it.
-He probably used Kfizat Hderech (warping through sphere of space), since
he was so busy with it at that point.
-Therfore when it says ‘He switched my salary tens (hundred) of
times’, it means it literally. All those years that Yackov spent
by Lavan they were constantly doing battle.
-This is why Lavan so readaly agreed to Yackovs deal on the cattle, he
knew Yackov was planning something but he was certain that he could counter
( Rabbi Yonasan, Tiferet Yonason - Vyetzeh