Regarding the use of Kavanot during prayer


- The formal prayers, fixed by the Sages of the Great Assembly were meant to be used as a ladder. If one knows how to meditate on them properly, he can reach very high levels through the use of prayer.
- The Ari and the Rashash gave many Kavonos to help the initiate bind himself to the spiritual paths associated with every particular prayer.
- However to use these Kavanot properly, one has to be holding in a very advanced state of consciousness. If one has to place effort into trying to visualize and use the Kavanot it means he is not ready to use them.
- By using them when not yet ready, a person is decreasing the levels he could be reaching, if he was praying through his emotions.
-A person should pray with simplicity, placing all his energy into the meaning of the words.
- The main part of prayer is to bind ones self to G-D. Rebbe Nachman says, “Were it not for the fact that the prayers were established in Hebrew, it would be better for a person to pray in his native tongue, this way it would be easier to involve himself in the prayer.”
- A person should still study the prayers in theory, since it will give him great knowledge of the Kabbalah.
- In addition Kavanot can be used while performing one of the Mitzvot or in a specific place in prayer where one wants to accomplish something.
- When a person reaches the level where he can attain a level of consciousness where the Kavanot of the Ari are the simple meanings of the words for him, the he can use them while praying.
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