- Dovid had a song which he used to gather energy from, before he would
strike his enemies.
- The song is brought down twice in slightly different versions. It is
brought down in Tehelim 18 and in the beginning of the second book of
- The two are not contradicting each other. The song in Shmuel is the
original version. The version in Tehilim is a modified version that he
had to sing after the sin of Uriah, which described his now reduced abilities.
- All the differences are worked out in Mosechet Sofrim.
- Here is one difference. In Shmuel it says, “You will watch over
me as a head of nation.” In Tehilim it says, “You will place
me as a head of nations.”
- Dovid was a master of the practical Kabbalah, using it he was able to
strike down hundreds of his enemies in battle.
- In one case Dovid tried to use it to the maximum effect, he was able
to slay 800 in one battle.
- He complained because the Torah promises that if one is perfect in keeping
the Torah, a single person shall chase a thousand. He received his answer
from a heavenly voice, declaring that the sin of Uriyah caused him to
be weakened. (Talmud Moed Katan 16)
- The equivalence of “Tshmrani”, watch over me, as I strike
the nations, written before the sin is 1000. After the sin it changed
to “Tsimany”, place me, equaling his weakened ability of 800.
(GRA Kol Eliyahu / Hazinu) |