Seventy Yells in the Mikvah

Seventy Yells in the Mikvah

I was staying in Meron for Shabbot. Friday afternoon me and my friend Yitzchock hitched a ride to Saffsufa the ancient Mikvah of Shmayah and Avtalyun. We jumped into the freezing water; I did my kavanot and got out. As I got dressed I could hear Yitzchock yelling and screaming on top of his lungs.
I remembered that on the way to the Mikvah, Yitzchock repeated to me the Torah of Rebbe Nachman. In the Torah Rebbe Nachman talks about the seventy spiritual yells a women makes as she is giving birth, these correspond to the Seventy Words in Mizmor Yancha (Palms 20). He then says that this Chapter in Tehilim is a Tikun for Pgam Bris. Yitzchock must be trying some crazy Tikun, immersing for each of the seventy yells.
I am standing outside listening to the echoes of the screaming. A car pulls up; some men get out to immerse in the Mikvah. They hear the sounds, thinking someone is being murdered they quickly rush inside. A minute latter they come out, "Oh, its just some crazy Breslever".